Sudafed, the Six-Legged Cat
Remember the story of our six-legged cat?
That quivered and scurried to run?
It raced up and down
and climbed all the walls
and peed in the sink.
My heavens, it shat from the ceiling fan!
Oh, what a riot, when it hissed from the drain pipes,
at the kids walking home from school.
The six-legged cat could change size on a whim.
Be as big as the moon
or as small as a pin.
His favorite treats were mothballs
drenched in peach sauce.
He swallowed the neighbor’s dog.
Not much of a loss.
Our six-legged cat, his name was Sudafed,
whenever he danced
all the birds fell down dead.
We loved him indeed,
our shapeshifting terror.
Until one day we made a grave error:
We brought home a new cat,
this one with eight legs.
And old Sudafed, always acting those whims,
floated off into space,
we never saw him again.